What is my face shape?

Bonjour à tout / hello everyone!

Welcome back FLAWLESS BEAUTY BLOG BY NAKIBA. I hope you all are fine and in good health. I am good against all odds, I always consider being good as long as my family, myself and friends are in good health. How are we doing this far with reaching your goals and your New Year resolution (s)? Let’s make this year a great year, and one to remember!

I have just made the decision that I will postpone this week’s topic “HOW TO DEFINE AND RESHAPE EYEBROWS FOR OVAL FACE” until next week. I have you all in my best interest so I figured that covering the topic now “WHAT’S MY FACE SHAPE” rather than later is a much better way to help you in the future. Trust me! I am sorry for the inconvenience this might cause. So I will carry on with this week’s topic.


Read on to find out what’s your face shape…

The visual effect of certain makeup, hairstyle, and glasses will change bases on the proportions of your face. Once you have got your face shape figured out, a new you will push through and your own style will begin.


Stand in front of a mirror.

Any large mirror will do. You should be able to easily reach it from standing position in front of it you’ll need to be able to draw on it to outline on it without having to lean forward.

Stand looking directly forward into the mirror, with your hair pull back, your back straight, your head high, and your shoulders back.

Make sure lighting is over head and not directional. Lighting will affect the face shape you draw.


Trace the outline of your face.

Using a lipstick, a bar for soap, chalk, a dry-eraser marker, or some other non-permanent sketching tool, carefully trace the outline of your face in the mirror.

Start from bottom of your chin, proceed up the edge of your face on one side past your cheek bones, follow the curve of your face and end up back at your chin. Try to stay as still a possible while you trace your face shape. DO NOT INCLUDE YOUR EARS – JUST THE EDGES OF YOUR FACE.


Judge your facial outline.

Step back and look at the shape you’ve traced. Where is the widest? Is it long or short? What shape is your jaw and forehead? Based on the answers to these questions, your face should fit into one of the categories below:


Your outline should roughly resemble a rectangle with rounded corners. Oblong faces have broad but even forehead, cheek bones, and jaws.


If your outline closely resembles a circle, with wide cheekbones and a tapering jaw and forehead, you might have a round face.


Your outline should not be long but should be wide at all points, with a broad forehead, strong cheekbones, and an angular jaw.


The forehead should be slightly broad, with narrower cheekbones and a tapering jaw line.


These faces are characterized by a broad forehead, strong cheekbones, and a small chin.


If your outline features a broad jaw but a small forehead, this might be the ticket.


A diamond face differs from a round or oval face in that the cheek bones are significantly wider that the chin and forehead, which are both narrow.


Long face shape has the same with for cheekbones, forehead and jaw line. Just like oval face shape, long face has a narrow oval chin too.


In this discussion, we have tried to describe to you how to determine your face shape with tips.


I hope you appreciate my commitment to this post. I’d be very grateful if you’d help to spread it by emailing it to a friend, or sharing it on Twitter or Face book.

Stay tuned next Friday, I’ll post about “HOW TO DEFINE AND RESHAPE EYEBROWS FOR OVAL FACE”!!!

See you soon.


What is my eye shape?

Bonjour à tous / hello everyone, Happy New Year!!! I wish you all good health, love, peace, faith and courage. Welcome come back to FLAWLESSS BEAUTY BLOG  BY NAKIBA, I hope you all had a great holiday. Let’s continue, if you are still not sure what are your eye’s shape.

Read on to find out what is your eye shape

It’s actually fairly easy to determine your eye shape as long as you have a mirror and a few spare minutes. Aside from eye shape, you may also want to pay attention to the position of your eyes on your face, since this can affect the overall appearance of your eyes just as much.


Look at your eyes in a mirror.

Go to a well-lit location with a mirror. Bring the mirror as close to you as possible so that you have a clear view of at least one of your eyes.


Ask yourself if your eyelid has a crease.

Look at your upper eyelid. If this eyelid does not have a crease, you have “mono-lid” eyes. On the other hand, if your eyelid does have a crease, you will need to continue on before you can identify your eye shape.

Note: that the eyelid crease does not need to be visible to be counted. True “mono-lideyes completely lack a crease.

The “mono-lid” counts as a basic eye shape, so if you have one, you do not need to progress through the remaining steps in the “Shape” section of this article. You can, however, move onto the “Position” section.

You can have a look at my post for mono-lid on how to apply eye makeup. [LINK BELOW]




Note the position of the outer corners.

Imagine that there is a straight, horizontal line extending through the centers of both eyes. Ask yourself if the outer corners of your eyes lie above or below this center line. If the corners are above this line, you have “upturnedeyes. Similarly, if the corners are below this line, you have “downturnedeyes.

Imagining a center line might be difficult, so if necessary, you can place a disposable coffee stirrer or thin pencil across the horizontal center of one eye. Use your unblocked eye to examine the outer corner position of your blocked eye.

If the outer corners of your eyes fall near the center line, you will need to progress further to identify your basic eye shape.

If you have “upturned” or “downturnedeyes, you can stop sorting through the steps of the “Shape” section and move onto the “Position” section.

You can have a look at my post for upturned and downturned eyes on how to apply eye makeup [LINK BELOW]





Take a closer look at the crease in your eyelid. 

 With your eyes wide open, ask yourself if the crease of your eyelid is visible or hidden. If the crease is hidden underneath the upper part of your lid or your brow bone, you have a “hoodedeye shape.

Stop here if you have identified your eye shape as “hooded.” This is your basic eye shape, so you can skip the rest of the steps in this section and move onto the “Position” section of the article.

If the crease of your eyelid is visible, you will need to progress through the last part of this section.

You can have a look at my post for hooded eyes on how to apply eye makeup [LINK BELOW]





Examine the whites of your eyes.

More specifically, look at the whites around the iris—the coloured portion of the eye. If you can see any white around the top or bottom of your iris, you have “roundeyes. If you cannot see any white above or below the iris, you have “almondeyes.

Both “round” and “almondeyes are basic eye shapes.

If you have no other identifiable shape features, as indicated by the previous steps in this section, your eye shape can only be “round” or “almond.”

This is the last quality you can take into consideration when identifying eye shape. The only other thing to take into consideration after this is the position of your eyes on your face.

You can have a look at my post for round and almond eyes on how to apply eye makeup [LINKS BELOW]





How to apply eye makeup to enhance almond shaped eyes?



Look into your mirror again.

Just as you did when you identified your eye shape, you need to look at your eyes closely using a mirror while in a well-lit location. Unlike before, however, you should make sure that both eyes are visible in the mirror. One eye will not be enough to accurately determine eye position.


Consider the depth of your eyes.

Take depth into consideration when determining the position of your eyes, because you could have either deep set eyes or protruding eyes.

Deep set eyes appear as though they are tucked further back into the socket, causing the upper eyelid to appear short and small.

Protruding eyes, on the other hand, literally bulge outward from the socket and toward the upper lash line.

Since this step only identifies eye depth, you will still need to continue with the remaining step of this section to determine eye size.


Examine the inside corners of your eyes.


More precisely, examine the gap lying in between the inside corners of both eyes. If this gap is less than one eye length in size, you have close set eyes. If this gap is larger than one eye length, you have wide set eyes.

There is also the possibility that this gap is roughly the length of one eyeball. In this case, gap length is inconsequential and does not need to be taken into consideration.

This step only identifies your eye width. It does not influence  or size, so you will still need to move onto the remaining steps in this section even if you have wide or close set eyes.



Compare your eyes with the rest of your face.

Compare your eyes with your mouth and nose. Average eye size will be similar to that of your mouth or nose, if not a little smaller. If your eyes are significantly smaller, though, you have small eyes. If they are larger than your other features, you have large eyes.

As with depth, most people will not need to pay attention to the size of their eyes.

Take width into consideration.

If you have notably wide or close set eyes, you may want to consider that quality, as well, when you are apply eye makeup.

You can have a look at my post for wide and close set eyes in the links below



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Consider eye depth, as well. 

Eye depth does not necessarily play a huge role in the application of makeup, but there are a few things worth considering.

Do you have protruding, bulging or deep set shape eyes?

You can have a look at my previous post for deep set eyes, protruding and bulging eyes in the links below













The amount of eye makeup you should use may vary if your eyes are sized outside of the traditional norm.

You can have a look at my post for small and large eyes on how to apply eye makeup [LINKS BELOW] 








If you’re still not sure which colours compliments your eye colour, have a look at my post for brown eyesgreen eyes and blue eyes.

If you’re still not sure which colours to use to compliment your eye colour, have a look at my post for brown eyes, green eyes and blue eyes. [LINKS BELOW]

What are the best eye makeup colours to compliment brown eyes?  [LINK BELOW]

What is the best eye make up colors to compliment blue eyes?

What are the best eye makeup colours to compliment green eyes? [LINK BELOW]

What is the best eye makeup colors to compliment green eyes?

What are the best eye makeup colours to compliment green eyes? [LINK BELOW]

What is the best eye make up colors to compliment blue eyes?


I’d be very grateful if you’d help to spread it by emailing it to a friend, or sharing it on Twitter or Face book.


See you soon.





What are colours?


How is eveyone? I hope you all are fine. Today I am going to explain what are colours.

Colour is such a fun thing to look at and enjoy but it is often difficult to communicate about. The reason is that the word use to describe colour are vague and frequently misunderstood. Not only are technical terms such as “value”, “saturation” and “chromaticity” confusing but even simple words such as “bright”, “pure”, “shiny” and “dim” are hard to use accurately. Even experts struggle without a set of standardized definitions.

A strong understanding of how colour works is vital to effective makeup application. Everyone sees colour a little differently, and it may take a while to learn to see colour naturally and easily.

I have tried to compile a glossary containing the words and concepts stated above and although I do not propose to be the sole authority on colour, the definitions you find here are supported by other mathematical and scientific arguments.

THE COLOUR WHEELIMG_20160909_143145.jpg



Learning the difference between warm and cool colours is essential to your success as a makeup artist. This is the basis of all colour selection, and understanding the difference will enable you to properly enhance your client’s colouring.

Warm colours are the range from yellow and gold through the oranges, red-oranges, most reds, and even some yellow-greens. Cool colours suggest coolness and are dominated by blue, greens, violets, and blue reds.


This is what we usually mean when we ask “what color is that?” The property of color that we are actually asking about is “hue”. For example, when we talk about colours that are red, yellow, green and blue, we are talking about hue. Different hues are caused by different wavelengths of light. Therefore, this aspect of colour is usually easy to recognize.



 Primary colours are fundamental colours that cannot be obtained from a mixture. The primary colours are yellow, red, and blue.



 Secondary colours are obtained by mixing equal parts of two primary colours. Yellow mixed with red makes orange. Red mixed with blue makes violet. Yellow mixed with blue makes green.



Tertiary colours are formed by mixing equal amounts of a secondary colour and its neighbouring primary colour on the colour wheel. These colours are named by primary colour first, and the secondary colour second. For example, when we mix blue (a primary colour) with violet (a neighbouring secondary colour), we call the results blue violet.


Primary and secondary colours directly opposite each other on the colour wheel are called complementary colours. When mixed these colours cancel each other out to create a neutral brown or gray color. When complementary colours are place next to each other, each colour makes the other look brighter, resulting in a greater contrast. For example, if you place blue next to orange, the blue seems bluer, the orange brighter. Try this with markers or coloured paper to compare. The concept of complementary colours is useful when determining colour choice. For example, the use of complementary colours will emphasize eye colour, making the eyes appear brighter. This is completely subjective and open to interpretation and differences in opinion. A more exact definition is “any two colours that, when mixed together produce a neutral gray.


Think about a colour’spurity” when describing its “chromaticity” or “CHROMA” property of colour tells us how pure a hue is. That means there is no white, black, or gray present in a colour that has high chroma. These colours will appear very vivid and well,… pure. This concept is related to and often confused with saturation. However, we will continue to use terms separately because they refer to distinct situations.


Related to chromaticity, saturation tells us how a colour looks under certain lighting conditions. For instance, a room painted a solid colour will appear different at night than in daylight. Over the course of the day, the colour is the same, the saturation changes. This property colour can also be called intensity. Be careful not to think about saturation in terms of light and dark rather in terms of pale or weak and pure or strong.


 When we describe as “light” or “dark” we are discussing its value or “brightness”. This property of colours tells us how light or how dark a colour is based on how close it is to white. For instance, canary yellow would be considered lighter than navy blue which in turn is lighter than black. Therefore, the value of canary yellow is lighter than navy blue and black.


 Although brightness is often used interchangeably with luminance, we prefer to use term “lightness”. This concept deals with many of the variables as value but using a different mathematical equation.


These terms are often used inappropriately but they describe fairly simple colour concepts. The important thing is how the colour varies from original hue. If white is added to a colour, the lighter version is called a “hint”. If the colour is made darker by adding the results is called a “shade”. And if gray is added, each gradation gives you a different “tone”.


If you enjoyed this post, I’d be very grateful if you’d help to spread it by emailing it to a friend, or sharing it on Twitter or Face book.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this. We hope you found it helpful! Tell us in the comments of this post if you’ve ever

Stay tuned next Friday, I’ll post about “PARTS OF THE EYE”!!!

What is highlight colour?


How is everyone doing? Today I am going to explain what is highlight colour.

There’s this magical little trick in the makeup world known as highlighting. Why is highlighting so magical? These optical illusions has the ability to draw attention to eyes making them brighter, appear bigger, lighter, more awake, lifted and gives you an overall more youthful look.

There are two main areas of your eyes that you’ll highlight; the inner corner (tear duct) and brow bone.

Highlighting the inner corner (tear duct) of your eyes instantly makes your eyes looks brighter, creating a more open appearance to the eye. By applying your eye shadow like that will make your eyes look fresher, and more awake.

Adding a highlight to the brow bone will give your eyes a lifted appearance by drawing the attention upward. While you can totally use the same highlight shade as you used on the inner corner (tear duct) of the eye, choosing a matte eye shadow that’s a shade or two lighter than your natural skin tone will illuminate the eye area in a more natural way.


You can use a light shimmery eye shadow to give you that touch of glow to your makeup look.


White highlighter will make the whites of the eyes look fresh and awake. Pink higlighter adds a bit of innocent, youthful glow.

If you’re still not sure which colours to use to compliment your eye colour, have a look at my post for brown eyes, green eyes, blue eyes, amber eyes and violet eyes.  [LINKS BELOW]

What are the best eye makeup colours to compliment brown eyes. 

What is the best eye make up colors to compliment blue eyes?

What are the best eye makeup colours to compliment green eyes.

What is the best eye makeup colors to compliment green eyes?

What are the best eye makeup colours to compliment green eyes. 

What is the best eye make up colors to compliment blue eyes?

What are the best eye makeup colours to compliment amber eyes.

What is the best eye makeup colours to compliment amber eyes?

What are the best eye makeup colours to compliment violet eyes.

What is the best eye makeup colours to compliment violet eyes?


In this discussion, we have tried to describe to you what are higlighters, where you can highlight  and what highlighters do when you apply it to those areas of your face.



If you enjoyed this post, I’d be very grateful if you’d help to spread it by emailing it to a friend, or sharing it on Twitter or Face book.

Stay tuned next Friday, I’ll post about “WHAT ARE COLOURS”!!!

See you soon





What are mid – tone colours?

Today I am going to explain what mid-tone colours are. For many of us, it can be confusing when hearing this term or try to figure out where to apply this color to create certain eye makeup look. This story will help you have a better understanding and be familiar with this term used when talking about colours, as I will be using this term  quite often in my upcoming posts.

Mid-toned colours are in the middle of the tonal spectrum, neither dark nor light. By eliminating changes or contrasts – like shadows or bright light – in the application of eye makeup process, you will have to develop a different way of looking at colours and translating in on to the canvas.


Tonal spectrum colours are the group of colours that a ray of light can be separated into. Mid – tone colours are used for contouring and should be at least two shades darker than your base colour. These colours get applied to the crease and inner corner of the eye unless you have wide – set eyes, mid – tone colours should be applied on the outer corner of the eye. If you want to do a three or four colour designs, use the next darker mid – tones, it should be applied to the outer end of the lighter mid – tone colour.

Your mid-tone shade is the most important shade, but can also be the most boring. The middle shade of your three eye shadow colours, it is deeper than your highlight shade and lighter than your contour shade (accent colour). It’s the first step in the blending process and creating definition in the crease of the eyes. This shade should be the most natural – an extension of your skin tone. You’ll change your highlight and contour colours more often than your mid – tone. Generally, your mid – tone colour should have a matte finish to gives the lid a subtle, natural appearance. Mid – tone colours starts the reshaping of your eyelids, because everything we add depth to will visually recede.


If you’re still not sure which colours to use to compliment your eye colour, have a look at my post for brown eyes, green eyes, blue eyes, amber eyes and violet eyes.  [LINKS BELOW]

What are the best eye makeup colours to compliment brown eyes. 

What is the best eye make up colors to compliment blue eyes?

What are the best eye makeup colours to compliment green eyes.

What is the best eye makeup colors to compliment green eyes?

What are the best eye makeup colours to compliment green eyes. 

What is the best eye make up colors to compliment blue eyes?

What are the best eye makeup colours to compliment amber eyes.

What is the best eye makeup colours to compliment amber eyes?

What are the best eye makeup colours to compliment violet eyes.

What is the best eye makeup colours to compliment violet eyes?


In this discussion, we have tried to describe to you what are mid-tone colours, where you should apply it and what mid-tone colurs do when you apply it to those areas of your eyes.


If you enjoyed this post, I’d be very grateful if you’d help to spread it by emailing it to a friend, or sharing it on Twitter or Face book.

Stay tuned next Friday, I’ll post about “WHAT ARE COLOURS”!!!

See you soon



If you enjoyed this post, I’d be very grateful if you’d help to spread it by emailing it to a friend, or sharing it on Twitter or Face book.

Stay tuned next Friday, I’ll post about “what are highlight colours”!!!


See you soon


What are accent colours?

Accent colours are the darkest or the brightest colours you will use when creating an eye makeup look.  Accent colours are colours that are used to emphasize a particular area.

Whether you want to create a two-colour design, three-colour design or a four-colour design if you choose to create any one of those three designs you will have to choose an accent color(s) to create colour schemes.

What is color scheme?

 Color schemes are often described on terms of logical combination of colours on the color wheel.

Choosing your favourite colour is easy. Choosing more than two tone color scheme for your eye makeup? Not so much. Applying eye makeup doesn’t have to be complicated. Mistakes come easily, and the frustration might leave you reaching for no eye makeup at all. But don’t wipe the slate clean just yet. I will explain to you in an upcoming story, for paring the right accent colours with each of the primary and secondary colours and more.

By applying eye shadow in different colours and texture, you can intensify or soften your regard, create a certain mood, and even improve your eye shape, depending on the look you are trying to achieve. To obtain the best results, you not only need to choose the right eye shadow color, but also apply it in the most flattering way. I will also explain in an upcoming story.

Remember, practice makes perfect and the key is finding the colours that compliment your eye colour.  This technique is so easy when you get the hang of it.

If you are not sure what are the colours that compliment your eyes you can have a look at my pervious stories on what are the complimentary colours for blue eyes, brown eyes and green eyes.


If you enjoyed this post, I’d be very grateful if you’d help to spread it by emailing it to a friend, or sharing it on Twitter or Face book.

Stay tuned next Friday, my story will be about mid-tone colour!!!

See you soon.