What is my face shape?

Bonjour à tout / hello everyone!

Welcome back FLAWLESS BEAUTY BLOG BY NAKIBA. I hope you all are fine and in good health. I am good against all odds, I always consider being good as long as my family, myself and friends are in good health. How are we doing this far with reaching your goals and your New Year resolution (s)? Let’s make this year a great year, and one to remember!

I have just made the decision that I will postpone this week’s topic “HOW TO DEFINE AND RESHAPE EYEBROWS FOR OVAL FACE” until next week. I have you all in my best interest so I figured that covering the topic now “WHAT’S MY FACE SHAPE” rather than later is a much better way to help you in the future. Trust me! I am sorry for the inconvenience this might cause. So I will carry on with this week’s topic.


Read on to find out what’s your face shape…

The visual effect of certain makeup, hairstyle, and glasses will change bases on the proportions of your face. Once you have got your face shape figured out, a new you will push through and your own style will begin.


Stand in front of a mirror.

Any large mirror will do. You should be able to easily reach it from standing position in front of it you’ll need to be able to draw on it to outline on it without having to lean forward.

Stand looking directly forward into the mirror, with your hair pull back, your back straight, your head high, and your shoulders back.

Make sure lighting is over head and not directional. Lighting will affect the face shape you draw.


Trace the outline of your face.

Using a lipstick, a bar for soap, chalk, a dry-eraser marker, or some other non-permanent sketching tool, carefully trace the outline of your face in the mirror.

Start from bottom of your chin, proceed up the edge of your face on one side past your cheek bones, follow the curve of your face and end up back at your chin. Try to stay as still a possible while you trace your face shape. DO NOT INCLUDE YOUR EARS – JUST THE EDGES OF YOUR FACE.


Judge your facial outline.

Step back and look at the shape you’ve traced. Where is the widest? Is it long or short? What shape is your jaw and forehead? Based on the answers to these questions, your face should fit into one of the categories below:


Your outline should roughly resemble a rectangle with rounded corners. Oblong faces have broad but even forehead, cheek bones, and jaws.


If your outline closely resembles a circle, with wide cheekbones and a tapering jaw and forehead, you might have a round face.


Your outline should not be long but should be wide at all points, with a broad forehead, strong cheekbones, and an angular jaw.


The forehead should be slightly broad, with narrower cheekbones and a tapering jaw line.


These faces are characterized by a broad forehead, strong cheekbones, and a small chin.


If your outline features a broad jaw but a small forehead, this might be the ticket.


A diamond face differs from a round or oval face in that the cheek bones are significantly wider that the chin and forehead, which are both narrow.


Long face shape has the same with for cheekbones, forehead and jaw line. Just like oval face shape, long face has a narrow oval chin too.


In this discussion, we have tried to describe to you how to determine your face shape with tips.


I hope you appreciate my commitment to this post. I’d be very grateful if you’d help to spread it by emailing it to a friend, or sharing it on Twitter or Face book.

Stay tuned next Friday, I’ll post about “HOW TO DEFINE AND RESHAPE EYEBROWS FOR OVAL FACE”!!!

See you soon.